Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Cheaper Car Insurance Infomation

Choosing car insurance after learning to drive

Having a car on the road, as we all know, costs a lot of money when you take into consideration petrol, road tax, mot tests, maintenance and of course, insurance. The sky-high premiums charged to young drivers has seen the number of those people learning to drive drop by 19% since 2005.Whereas there’s little you can do about most of those costs, there may be significant measures you can take in regards to your car insurance and keeping your premiums down.

Pass Plus
Car Insurance is not optional, so if you want to drive, it’s something that you will have to face sooner or later. The first big step you can take is obtain your Pass Plus certification, which can take as little as 6 hours to complete with an accredited driving instructor. A good selection of insurance companies recognise Pass Plus as an indicator that you have the extra experience and less like likely to have an accident, making you less of an insurance liability and therefore cheaper to insure. Not all companies give a discount for this, so it’s important to check when getting insured. For those that do, you can expect a reduction in the region of 30% as a reward for your efforts.

Don’t ‘soup up’ up your car
A key factor in your insurance company deciding your category is the performance of your vehicle. If it has been modified with low-profile alloy wheels and a spoiler etc, then you can expect your premiums to rise to ‘eye-watering’ levels.  

Telematic car insurance
Although you will be required to pay a relatively high cost at the start of your policy, telematic insurance rewards safe driving. According to the AA, a small ‘black box’ GPS device is fitted in your car to record how the car is driven. Factors like speed and cornering are measured to give you a score which may lead to a reduced premium if you drive safely. The advantage is that you pay a premium that’s based on your driving record, rather than the record of all young drivers.

Improve your car's security
Another of the major factors used in calculating your premiums is your car’s overall security. For example, where the vehicle is kept overnight. If it’s kept in a garage, that is better than if it’s kept out on a busy road. Others details include security measures such as alarms/immobilisers, glass etching and removing valuables from your car.

Limited hours policy
Not the sexiest policy around, but when needs must a measure that could result in a reduction of up to 40% is to take out a limited hours policy. A policy aimed at 17 to 25 year olds, it asks that you don’t drive your car between the hours of 11pm and 5am, a time when it is much less likely you’ll be out and about anyway.
Again, check with your insurer to see if this is an option when getting quotes.

You really can change your driving landscape with these different approaches. It could be the difference between you driving and not being able to drive at all. If you would like to take driving lessons with a company who cares, then opt for Drive2Pass Driving Schools covering many areas in London.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Pass your Manoeuvres for your Driving Test

How to Pass your Manoeuvres for your Driving Test?

Most people find driving test as one of the most daunting experiences in their lives. The good news for nervous drivers in the country is that they can actually seek help from different driving schools for a series of courses in National Standards for Driving and Riding. Many driving schools in the country provide confidence boosting lessons in driving both manual and automatic car. With these confidence boosting lessons, one can expect that he can have what it takes to be a responsible and better driver or rider. The driving confidence boosting lessons that most driving schools in the country provides include training for drivers of automatic car, dual controlled car, light vans, motorcycles, and buses.

However, the most difficult part in driving lessons is passing your manoeuvres for the test. Most examiners failed to pass their driving tests as they are nervous drivers. There is nothing to be nervous about taking manoeuvres during manual driving, or driving a dual controlled car. Below are some tips that you can ponder in order to pass your manoeuvres for your driving test.
  • Research
It can be an advantage if you do some research about the area where you will take the test. This way, you can have access to road, traffic, pedestrian facilities, and traffic in the area. Taking a peep on the test routes will provide you a better picture of what can happen during the test. You can use Goggle Maps to take a look at the test centre and locate the awkward areas of the road such as curves, one way systems, tricky junctions, and complicated roundabouts. You can even practice in the area with the help of a professional driving instructor.
  • Concentrate
High level of concentration is essential in taking manoeuvres for your driving test. You will be driving the car without a professional driving instructor by your side. The rules for driving tests in the country have changed, and you will be required to perform approximately 10-15 minutes of driving independently. During these minutes, you will follow a series of directions, traffic signs, and combination of both. Whether you are driving a manual or an automatic car, confidence is highly needed.
  • Observation
Observation is a critical aspect not only in taking your manoeuvres for your driving test but also in real life driving. A thing that you need to do correctly is to check your mirrors at the side and rear. Failing to observe from time to time will fail you during the test or before you even get your car out your garage. If you are on a dual controlled car, it is a good idea to check your blind spot.
Observation play a vital role in making manoeuvres as you can make driving errors such as parking in the kerb or catching people out of your view. Performing observation and checking your mirrors several times before doing the manoeuvres will make your examiner feel confident that you can be a responsible driver.

  • Stay Positive, Confident, and Relaxed
Most people who are taking up driving tests fail because they are nervous drivers. Theirs is no reason to be nervous about taking manoeuvres. Taking a deep breath and relaxing will make you feel confident that you will pass the manoeuvres right before you sit inside the car. Stepping inside the car thinking that you will pass the test will provide you with a better result. However, you have to remember that being over confident and reckless can also cause you to fail the driving test.
  • Study You Car
Most people do not realize that knowing the car that they drive during the test is essential in making better manoeuvres. This is due to the fact that not all cars are the same. People who are used to manual driving will find it hard to make better manoeuvres than those who are driving automatic car or dual controlled car. Days before you take the exam, you have to make sure you that you ask your examiner the type of car that you are about to drive so you can practice.

These tips on how to pass your manoeuvres for your driving test seem to be easily said than done. However, driving is not a thing that you can learn in an overnight process or days of practice. It is a skill that requires a lot of lessons and practice.

Many driving courses in the country provide the combination of both theory and actual lessons. People who are want to become a skilled and responsible driver need to take driving lessons if they want to achieve their goals. Whether you are used to manual driving or driving an automatic car, taking confidence boosting lessons is highly essential. Remember that your examiner will only let you pass the test if you are a responsible driver as one mistake in the road can cause loss of life.